My Best 9 to 5 Life Subscription Box Unboxings

Unboxing My Best 9 to 5 Life's May 2023 Subscription Box

Unboxing My Best 9 to 5 Life's May 2023 Subscription Box

The theme for our May box is Prioritize Yourself.  We're usually so great at being busy taking care of others (work, family, community, etc.) but end up giving ourselves what's left over at the end of the day-- if there's anything left...You not only deserve to prioritize and take care of yourself, you need to! Our May box included items to encourage you to slow down and practice more self-care in your day-to-day life. This month's box featured:📘 THE EXTREMELY BUSY WOMAN'S GUIDE TO SELF-CARE: Do Less, Achieve More, and Live the Life You Want by Suzanne Falter. Learn "simple, bite-size suggestions to ease you onto to the path of effective self-care...

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Unboxing My Best 9 to 5 Life's April 2023 Subscription Box

Unboxing My Best 9 to 5 Life's April 2023 Subscription Box

The theme for our April box is Emotions at Work.  There is a widespread belief that emotions don't belong in the workplace but the reality is, we're human, we have emotions and they can affect us. Chances are, at some point you have felt annoyed, angry, proud, happy and everything in between. Suppressing your emotions isn't healthy but letting them run wild at work is probably not the best idea either. So then what? That's where this month's box comes in! Our April box featured:📘 NO HARD FEELINGS: The Secret Power of Embracing Emotions at Work by Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy. We're...

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Unboxing My Best 9 to 5 Life's March 2023 Subscription Box

Unboxing My Best 9 to 5 Life's March 2023 Subscription Box

The theme for our March box is THRIVE 9-5! Spring officially begins later this month and just as the flowers are beginning to bloom, we want YOU to feel like you're thriving too. This month's box featured goodies to help you thrive 9-5 and beyond by taking small actions that would make a big impact on improving your life. YOUR TIME TO THRIVE: End Burnout, Increase Well-Being, and Unlock Your Full Potential with the New Science of Microsteps by Marina Khidekel and the editors of Thrive Global. Learn how to significantly improve your life by taking tiny, science-backed action steps (aka Microsteps)! This book is practical...

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Unboxing My Best 9 to 5 Life's February 2023 Subscription Box

Unboxing My Best 9 to 5 Life's February 2023 Subscription Box

The theme for our February box is Cultivate Connections! Having a positive network of personal and professional relationships not only contributes to your social well-being, better health and greater happiness, you never know where your connections could lead for your career and life! This month's box featured goodies to help our subscribers cultivate new connections and strengthen existing ones while showing themselves a little self-love this Valentine's month. It featured: RELATABLE: How to Connect with Anyone, Anywhere (Even If It Scares You) by RACHEL DEALTO. Learn how to form more meaningful connections and feel more comfortable in social and professional settings while letting...

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Unboxing My Best 9 to 5 Life's January 2023 Subscription Box

Unboxing My Best 9 to 5 Life's January 2023 Subscription Box

The theme for our first box of the new year is Manifest Your Goals! We want 2023 to be the year that our subscribers not only set life-changing goals, but make them happen with a combination of unstoppable belief in themselves and a real doable action plan. This month's box featured: The #1 New York Times Bestseller, EVERYTHING IS FIGUREOUTABLE by one of the greatest thought leaders of our time, MARIE FORLEO! We couldn't think of a more empowering book to start the new year. Having a growth mindset is key when it comes to going after your goals. What separates those who...

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