The theme for our April box is Emotions at Work.
There is a widespread belief that emotions don't belong in the workplace but the reality is, we're human, we have emotions and they can affect us.
Chances are, at some point you have felt annoyed, angry, proud, happy and everything in between. Suppressing your emotions isn't healthy but letting them run wild at work is probably not the best idea either. So then what? That's where this month's box comes in! Our April box featured:
📘 NO HARD FEELINGS: The Secret Power of Embracing Emotions at Work by Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy. We're learning new strategies to embrace (not suppress) our emotions at work so we can bring our BEST, WHOLE self to work every day!
🌈 MONTHLY MOOD CHART by Steel Petal Press. Awareness is powerful. Fill in each square of the undated monthly calendar with a color and adjective that describes your overall feeling that day. Use this tool to identify any patterns and empower you to take educated steps toward improving your mental health and emotional well-being.
🫶 FEEL YOUR FEELINGS VINYL STICKER by Free Period Press. Stick this sticker anywhere you'll see it as a daily reminder to check in and process your many emotions instead of keeping them bottled up.
🌷 FLORAL COLLAGE PAGE FLAGS by Girl of All Work. We love including fun and useful products that are centered around the season! Use these colorful page flags to flag your favorite parts of a book so you can easily refer back to them later! You can also use them on documents at work. This set is so fun for spring!
🪴 HOUSE PLANT POP-UP STICKY NOTES by Girl of All Work. These are not your average sticky notes! Fun and hard to miss, use these cute notes for important reminders for yourself or imagine your co-worker's delight when they find a surprise little house plant with an encouraging message on their desk! It would be a fun and easy way to catch someone's attention and spread joy and kindness around the office.
🐰 CARAMEL BUNNIES by Mouth Party. A fun treat for this time of the year, we couldn't resist including these adorable milk chocolate covered caramel bunnies! They are as delectable as they are cute!
We sold out early of this month's box but join our list to be the first to know when our cart's open for May: 💖